Friday, March 14, 2025


Flowers of purple, darkened blue and pink
A plethora of bright red tomatoes
Blooms that kept growing and refused to sink
And a range of scents to delight the nose

Plants that were born from my home continent
Columns of corn reaching up tall and straight
Pumpkins that spread without pause or relent
Bees present with the goal to pollinate

Mint growing with intent unstoppable
Countless strawberries that taste the sweetest
Raspberries, blueberries by the handful
All arranged to make it look the neatest

This garden I've created with my hand
It will endure. For I know well it can

 Completed: 14th March 2025

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hide your beliefs

Take you religious beliefs and go home
We don't want them anywhere around here
Don't tell us about the rights you hold dear
You should just remain silent and unknown
Don't whinge,. After all this path was your choice
To spread a message of love corrupted
But in truth the order you've disrupted
So keep it private along with your voice
To influence children's minds you've no right
Especially your practices sexual
You should be ashamed: You're the biggest fool
Hurry up. Disappear into the night

So would you please hide your reglious ways
You're obscuring the freedoms of the gays

15th August 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019

Rope Ladder

You want someone to love? I don't think so
Wanting some touch doesn't mean you'll succeed
Accept you'll be alone: That's what you need
For this quest will fail from the word go

You want to be part of a unique bond?
Sorry that's reserved for the lucky few
Everyone deserves some love just not you
It's a fate you can't escape or respond

You've got some love that's overdue to bloom?
The hell you do: You're just messed in the head
We don't want you here. You fill us with dread
You should be shamed for leaving your bedroom

Unless of course you happen to be gay
In which case I'll back your quest all the way

12th August 2019

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Social Justice Warrior

When the war is over what will you do?
When there are no more targets left to hide?
Will your thirst for a fight be satisfied?
Will you accept your soldiers leaving you?
Will you come up with a victory plan?
Will you stop thinking who can take the blame?
Will you be relieved that you can’t complain?
Will you live a life devoid of a clan?
Will you have the means for beating boredom?
Will you have a scheme for being happy?
Will you go forge a new identity?
Will you refrain from making a problem?

Of course not: The anger will never cease
For what’s a warrior in times of peace?

26 May 2019


I’ve been useless, a monster, a crim too

But not today: I won’t be some sad wreck

For the first time I grasp some self-respect

I know that this is something I can do

Driven by a strength that came from nowhere

I will shatter the walls that surround me

I’ll be the storm that makes the demons flee

I will no longer cave into despair

I will embrace myself because I can

I will rise above years of depression

I will move far away from regression

I’ll stand up and declare I’m worth a damn

But wait: You heard? No one likes straight white men

In that case, what was the fucking point then?

26th May 2019

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Now that you're in love

So you’re in a relationship. Well done
Through being yourself you’ve scored a love true
You faced the challenge. Beat the odds. You’ve won

 So then: Now what you are going to do?
Will you embrace this truth you’ve found, so clear?
Will you be reborn into something new?

Will you both walk, hand in hand, without fear?
Will you both be yourselves without disguise?
Will you talk up the luck that brought you here?

Will you tell everyone about the highs?
The excitement of a heart in backflips?
Will you face a score of envious eyes?

Will you support other relationships
Straight. Gay. Anyone devoid of trouble?
Will you get to decide who can touch lips?

Will you take your love into a bubble?
And leave everyone else outside, forbid?
Will you revel in being free from struggle?

Will you, to get here, forget what you did?
The pains of loneliness; will you sever?
Keep the secrets to your success well hid?

Will you declare that this love's forever?
Never give single life a backwards glance?
Maintain that you have your shit together?

Will you mock those who struggle in romance?
Who have confidence, social skills lacking?
Like all those times you were denied a chance?

Do your single friends now seem amusing?
What will you do when they ask for advice?
Does being condescending sound tempting?

Will you tell them that they’ll find someone nice?
Will you forget the times when you couldn’t?
Will you find any bullshit will suffice?

Embrace these cruelties? You know you shouldn’t
But of course you will. Because who wouldn’t?

12th December 2018

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

How to win an argument

Want to know how to win an argument?
Just convince the other guy of your view
Oh and be ready to take on facts new
Forget attacking: It won't make a dent

Listen: Don't interrupt the other guy
You need to follow standards much higher
Don't mislead. Scrap that winning desire
You're there to understand. Not to reply

You must invite your foe onto your side
And you must forgive their past transgression
Ditch humiliation and aggression
For in the end you've got nothing to hide

So then: Now that these truths have come to light
I ask you: Do you still want to be right?

11th December 2018