So you’re in a relationship. Well done
Through being yourself you’ve scored a love true
You faced the challenge. Beat the odds. You’ve won
So then: Now what you are going to do?
Will you embrace this truth you’ve found, so clear?
Will you be reborn into something new?
Will you both walk, hand in hand, without fear?
Will you both be yourselves without disguise?
Will you talk up the luck that brought you here?
Will you tell everyone about the highs?
The excitement of a heart in backflips?
Will you face a score of envious eyes?
Will you support other relationships
Straight. Gay. Anyone devoid of trouble?
Will you get to decide who can touch lips?
Will you take your love into a bubble?
And leave everyone else outside, forbid?
Will you revel in being free from struggle?
Will you, to get here, forget what you did?
The pains of loneliness; will you sever?
Keep the secrets to your success well hid?
Will you declare that this love's forever?
Never give single life a backwards glance?
Maintain that you have your shit together?
Will you mock those who struggle in romance?
Who have confidence, social skills lacking?
Like all those times you were denied a chance?
Do your single friends now seem amusing?
What will you do when they ask for advice?
Does being condescending sound tempting?
Will you tell them that they’ll find someone nice?
Will you forget the times when you couldn’t?
Will you find any bullshit will suffice?
Embrace these cruelties? You know you shouldn’t
But of course you will. Because who wouldn’t?
12th December 2018