Friday, December 30, 2011

Fantastic Plastic

Welcome to a place where it never rains
(apart from frequent natural disasters)
It was eternal sun and beach waters
Everyone’s happy and no one complains
Kids go to school but they don’t learn a thing
They’ve got no thought, or hope, for the future
Old folk are stupid, useless and un-pure
Former wise advisors are now boring
Amorous behaviour rules supreme here
You must not be single at any cost
And secure marriage vows are dropped and lost
And yes - there’s no ugly people ‘round here

All this is a fake view of reality
But then, who cares when it’s making money?

25th April 2003

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I don’t care if you flock to certain brands
I don’t care if you’ve a razor sharp mind
I don’t care if you like this band, that band
I don’t care if you are real nice and kind
I don’t care if you shed a thousand tears
I don’t care if you open your mouth wide
I don’t care if you live your life in fear
I don’t care if you attempt suicide
I don’t care if you stand on your own feet
I don’t care if great success comes your way
I don’t care if your potential you meet
I don’t care if you climb higher each day

Why I do this? For this answer you plea
Cos’ you’ll always be a dickhead to me

24th April 2003

Saturday, December 24, 2011

O Holy Night

O Holy night, Twenty-fourth of December
The local church is ringing out the last bell
It’s the birth night of our lord and saviour
In a time of peace and love all is well
Lazing back in the couch with beer in hand
As this little town lights up behind me
Together with all the rest of the clan
Curtains open, feet up, watching TV
We’re all here for the holiday season
Recalling each and every song we know
We don’t fight, argue or call out treason
We’re just watching the bond of family grow

All watching the carols by candlelight
And all together for the holy night

25th December 2004

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to write a sonnet

Some say sonnet writing is tough to complete
But I can write them with the greatest of ease
Thus I say: Writing sonnets is a breeze!
Know what to do and you’re on easy street
First, you will need a unique rhyming scheme
Like: A-B-B-A or A-B-A-B
And that’s just what your first four lines should be
And note that your lines should number fourteen
Make sure there’s ten syllables in each line
The rhyming will repeat as you will see
With: C-D-D-C or C-D-C-D
And if you make it this far, you’re doing fine
Writing the next four lines should be easy
E-F-F-E or E-F-E-F, see?
Now that the end is in sight, finally
You finish with your last two lines: G-G

Now you know how, so walk without fear
So go write a sonnet the world will hear

22nd April 2003

Monday, December 19, 2011

An Internet Romance

I want you to come and live here with me
But that could only happen in a dream
I want you in my arms - in sanctuary
Not a blank, cold, faceless computer screen
I want to hear your voice’s melody
E-mailing works but gaps it doesn’t fill
I want to kiss your sweet lips tenderly
Not touch the cold indifference of steel
I want to say all these word to your face
But we’re in completely different time zones
I want you to be my light in this place
But wanting won’t stop me being alone

We may not know it but we need each other
But broad oceans divide us forever

23rd April 2003

Friday, December 16, 2011

We don’t need anyone else because we have each other

I was blinded by frustration and rage
Confused and with a crippled memory
But I broke out of that horrendous cage
And cursed the world for persecuting me
But as I turned away, you did so too
Even so it meant your imminent doom
Why care? You did what you wanted to do
You risked everything to grant me a boon
You gave me strength in my bleakest hour
You soothed my rage and banished my demons
You showed me sweet love and all its power
So lets walk together - Find a haven

Lets flee the world and it’s accusing eye
Lets stay with each other until we die

9th April 2003

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Strawberries and Cream

A waft of strawberries entered the room
As you lay on my bed seductively
I kissed your red lips so passionately
As the taste of red wine inside me bloomed
Your arms and your legs were as white as cream
My fingers danced upon your lingerie
In my arms was where you wanted to stay
Your taste was that of a white chocolate dream
Your scent was sweet - like that of vanilla
Your face was like the finest porcelain
You smiled, my heart melted and I fell in
And I taste the fruits of pure love with her

Such wine tastes lovely when shared with another
So in your arms I will stay forever.

30th March 2003

Monday, December 12, 2011

Say it to my face

Got something to say? Say it to my face
Do you believe that I should know this thing?
Open your mouth. Bring it on. I’m listening
Just don’t run off and leave a cowards trace
Forget about escaping completely
Forget all about your getaway car
Forget about running away so far
Don’t run like a wimp. Come out and face me
You’ve got the balls to open your big trap
But zero to face the consequences
If you gladly assault my senses
Then surely you won’t go hide from the rap

Don’t run. Don’t hide. Come out and talk your talk
You dared open your mouth so walk the walk

2nd April 2003

Friday, December 9, 2011


You can look at us, yes. But you can’t touch
You can talk however. We will listen
But just don’t expect us to care too much
We don’t give a toss ’bout the mess you’re in
You say Heaven’s coming down upon you
Why should I give a fuck ‘bout such a tool?
Go have a cry about it. Boo hoo hoo.
Because I’m already with someone cool
You are the type we won’t be caught dead with
Don’t crap on ‘bout need you’ll willingly provide
We don’t care if you loose the will to live
We won’t change. We are blinded by our pride

You go where you belong with all the slime
Fuck your sanctuary and your cloud nine

26th March 2003

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I was walking in a rainy twilight
Suddenly up pulled my grandmother’s car
I jumped in and pulled the seatbelt on tight
But the driver was not my grandmother
It was a stranger. A forty something
he had his face hidden with high collars
My blood turned cold, my hands began trembling
“Who are you?” I asked the man in horror
He didn’t answer. He just turned his head.
Dark painted circles, twisted painted grin
He looked alive as a corpse six days dead
To his world he had come to drag me in

He was a mess of make up and face white
He had come to take me into the night

26th March 2003

Monday, December 5, 2011

Angelus Erroneous

When it happened, you asked me to forget
Even though I asked you to remember
It’s grip caught us both like fish in a net
And the world we knew was changed forever
The angels came down from the sky falling
With broken wings, bloodied wounds and frail limbs
You weren’t listening when you heard me calling
You only heard Heaven’s destructive hymns
The gates are now closed to this dying earth
To be never opened ever again
On this wrecked ground there is no time for mirth
As the dead number in thousands of ten.

That fateful day marked the end of a dream
You broke down when I asked you not to scream

23rd March 2003

Friday, December 2, 2011

Celtic blood

I can pick up a sword ‘cos I can fight
I am eager to explore lands far away
I’m prepared to give my life for what’s right
And I have tales and stories to say
My home is an island of trees and green
Where the bond of kinship keeps running strong
But my true birthplace is one I haven’t seen
However my heritage has not gone
I have walked this earth for so many years
With spirits of my family to guide me
My ancestral strength protects me from fears
From invaders wherever they may be

Though our world is gone, our spirit won’t fall
I have Celtic blood and I’ll heed it’s call

21st March 2003

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We need each other

And if the mountains should crumble and fall
And if everything is drowned in the sea
I won’t be afraid. I won’t cry at all
Because I have good friends who stand by me
I don’t know where I’m heading nor what I’ve seen
But I do know that we need each other
We can’t turn ‘round and head back where we’ve been
Friendship is indeed a powerful tool
It will keep me going through this lifetime
Friends don’t think I’m a jerk. They think I’m cool
And in bleaker times, they are my lifeline

But all my friends have all packed up and gone
And I’m acting on a lie to keep on

21st March 2003

Monday, November 28, 2011

Electrical Storm

Last night the skies screamed, rumbled and roared
The darkness lit up as the lightening flashed
The soaked earth shook as the thunderbolts crashed.
And the world heard the wrath of the sky’s lord
The heavens brought forth their fury and rage
An unstoppable ire that burned and fumed
A ghastly war that exploded and boomed
Herding all living things into a cage
I lay on my bed with a loaded gun
The noise outside distancing me from sleep
Whilst I drowned on paranoia so deep
I waited for the coming of the sun

And as through the night the sky’s temper flared
The next day, war on Iraq was declared.

20th March 2003

Friday, November 25, 2011

Please stay with me

Please stay with me, I need you here today
Without you I don’t know what I’ll be
Can’t you see I want you to stay with me?
I don’t want this pure joy to go away
With you I can conquer any demon, any fear
Without you I wouldn’t have been stronger
So I ask you to stay a little longer
I don’t want you to go - I need you here
There is still so much that I have to say
Despite everyone telling me I’m wrong
But a house is not a home with you gone
So I’m not wanting the end of this day

A wide ocean divides us forever
But one day we will be together

20th March 2003

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sad, Beautiful Little Goth Girl

I am so glad that you are my best friend
Because with you I can do anything
I’ll play on this guitar so you can sing
With you my happiness will never end
Some brain dead fools think you’re cracked in the head
But if there’s a problem, it’s all theirs
You are different, you live without cares
And that’s why I make your love my soft bed
Who needs those pricks when we have each other?
Such is our love’s strength, I know it’ll stand tall
Even when angels come and heaven falls
With you I don’t need no other lover

Let me in your kingdom. I’ll be your king
When night falls, I bring you my love undying

20th March 2003

Monday, November 21, 2011

Saturday morning

The sun comes slowly from behind the hills
Heralding a bright new day beginning
Everywhere the sun rays reach, touch and fill
But sadly no nobody is noticing
They’re still asleep, sheets pulled over their heads
Or they’re playing on a sports field somewhere
Or they’re outside, tending their flower beds
Or they’re shopping, spending without a care
And while cartoons are on my TV
Sharing the space with music videos
I play my computer games happily
Because the house is quiet. No one knows

Such a morning is grasped in different ways
It only comes once every seven days

17th March 2003

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday evening

With roaring engines and screeching of tyres
We go in a car, heading for the town
We’ll find a bar, our sorrows we will drown
While inside excitement burns in fires
We drive through town, bright neon lights flash past
Loud guitars pump on the car stereo
Eating chocolate we go with the flow
The night is so young so lets make it last
Five days of hard work has come to an end
So lets grasp freedom with our own two hands
No more assignments, no more boss’ demands
To our stomachs lots of beer we will send

So lets go drink and be merry. Why wait?
The week is over so lets celebrate

17th March 2003

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kill all hippies

See that nob kicking that hippy over there?
He says hippies are scum who deserve it
And all the concepts of peace are shit
But I can tell you why we should all care
I know the nob. I see him all the time
He ignores his parents and he skips school
He thinks defying rules make him real cool
But he’s a tosser in these eyes of mine
You see, the hippy came way before him
He defied many of the rules of old
He didn’t listen when of war he was told
Those days are gone but still his message sings

The nob is kicking his predecessor
A fact he is blind to - nor does he care

3rd March 2003

Monday, November 14, 2011

When I grow old

The day is coming when I will grow old
My brain will fail and my skin will age
I’ll be trapped in a never-changing cage
And my flesh and blood begin to go cold
But I have tools for when old age arrives
A Why follow rules? ideal I’ll apply
If it works for kids, It’ll work for I
With this perspective, I will survive
And there’s the betrayal of my offspring
Who went and shunned me away behind walls
They will see and be embarrassed, appalled.
And there’s no revenge more satisfying

Old age may grasp me in a grip so tight
But I’m not going down without a fight!

3rd March 2003

Friday, November 11, 2011

I’m stuck on an island and I can’t get off it

Lost long in time for forty thousand years
A land of deserts and eternal sun
Tucked away in a corner, seen by none
This ancient land is full of dreams and fears
But does the rest of the world even care?
Shunned by a ruler we will never see
Perceived by the rest as a mockery
Progress is going completely nowhere
Isolated, forgotten by the world
I will walk this land on an empty road
The river of time continues to flow
Into dust ancestral blood has been hurled

I will keep on walking day after day
Until rivers of time sweep me away

20th February 2003

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Countdown to war

Paranoia keeps the red blood flowing
So that destructive bombs can keep falling
Money keeps the corporations growing
To the people our leaders aren’t listening
Greed makes sure arms keep manufacturing
Towards a blind goal all keep marching
While the news media keep on lying
And thus nobody knows who we’re fighting
So much money goes into weapon making
Whilst many poor children are left starving
Minority groups we keep on blaming
Whilst welfare is left with zero funding

All concepts of peace are out the window
Closer to Hell we continue to go

20th February 2003

Monday, November 7, 2011

Walking the Beat

I will devote myself to helping others
I know I am putting my life on line
For I understand there’ll come a time
When I will provide protective covers
I will represent order - tough but fair
Become an icon of security
I will keep the peace in this big city
When a cry for help comes, I will be there
Kids will see me and they will loudly cheer
Because I am brave. I am kind and strong
I will help out those kids when things go wrong
With me nearby they have nothing to fear

I will keep the peace and accept no thanks
This is my choice, I want to join the ranks

17th February 2003

Friday, November 4, 2011

Did you hear about this one?

It was on this day that the dream did die
And five years of hard work came to an end
I have now stepped off-stage and said goodbye
My future is now in my hands to bend
But, with this goodbye, should I give a toss?
They won’t notice my leaving. They don’t care
Constantly I found myself at a loss
The house wasn’t a home at all, back there
But in spite of it all, it did change me
I went in a child and came out a man
I saw things when before I couldn’t see
I won respect and friends - whom by me stand

The show has moved on - this time without me
And I have nothing - but the memory

16th February 2003

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rainy Sunday

The rain comes downward onto my window
Keeping me restricted on the inside
With no place to be and no where to go
I have all the time in the world to bide
The house is quiet ‘cos we’re all snoozing
The streets are empty and there’s naught to do
The radio’s on for anyone listening
And there’s not a soul around to talk to
But this serenity is but a dream
A fragile dream that will end tomorrow
And when the coming night has gone and been
It is back to our real lives we will go

Today I relax in serenity
But sadly this is but temporary

16th February 2003

Monday, October 31, 2011

Last day of the year

It’s with little surprise that it’s raining
And everything around is coloured grey
Many clouds have stopped the sun from shining
Telling us one thing: Today is the day
Many things have been accomplished this year
Things which are now a faded memory
Thus as the time of awakening grows near
Our human hearts and souls are left empty
The streets are vacant and the shops are sealed
There’s no smiling faces out on this day
But it’s the road - with engines it is filled
Because everyone is moving away

But in all this barren devastation
We wait for the day when we’ll rise again

16th February 2003

Friday, October 28, 2011

So you wanna know what it's like to be single?

I have a mouth but no voice to speak with
Ironic when I have a lot to say
I have arms, the long not returned to give
A shame no one's come to take it away
I have eyes to see happy couples smile
Enjoying things I'll never get to do
I have a brain of illusions and guile
Struggling to keep alive a dream that's true
I have a heart - One of the broken kind
And I have a hole that needs to be filled
But this planet is ignorant and blind
Thus, it's the end of my world I now yield

But why would you care about today’s news?
You have no idea what it's like to lose

9th February 2003

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I don't want any friends

I don’t want friends. I just don’t care at all.
I’ll go into my room and sit on the shelf
Material objects stretch from wall to wall
But I don’t care. I’m in love with myself
I’m a genius of the elite kind
Who cares if no one else acknowledges it?
Nothing compares to myself and my mind
So it’s my way or no way. Get it?
I do have friends - Them I abuse and taunt
But the truth is, they’re not friends. Just a lie
I’ll keep on being mean. I won’t get caught
I will never learn cos I don’t see why

Don’t give me change. Don’t give me friends
I want this to stay until the world ends

3rd February 2003

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fear of Ghosts

What'd I do to deserve this wretched fate?
Why must you make my life a living Hell?
Why must your voice keep ringing like a bell?
Why am I the target of all your hate?
Yes I did kill you many moons ago
But you tormented me as you do now
And your motives were unclear - You played foul
And I sank into a pit so low
Cast from society I hid away
From the sin I so wanted to forget
But last night I awoke in a cold sweat
You came back to haunt me for every day

A fear of ghosts makes guilty conscience loom
A ghost is here to drag me to my doom

4th August 2002

Friday, October 21, 2011


I am myself, you are many and one
You keep kicking me, making me deranged
But today it's all going to change
I'm gonna break my rusty cage and run
I am going to squash unjust pain
I will reject you as you rejected me
I will elude your dark grasp and live free
And without me, you'll never be the same
What did I do to deserve this? Tell me
You don't know do you? That you cannot tell
So when I'm done casting you into Hell
I will leave you burning, laughing with glee

For me there is a promise of a new day
For the burning pain, I have made you pay

4th August 2002

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love will tear us apart

I decided to cheer up yesterday
A revelation that worked all too well
And then sunshine came in a blazing ray
The world should know that I've burst from my shell
Life was great until along came a prick
And then, in a very poor choice of words,
Said my happy mood was making him sick
And my smiling was load of dog turds
In that instant, time came to a standstill
My new found joy fell and smashed on the floor
My happiness was that the prick did kill
And then, I didn't want to smile anymore

I went back to my shell and misery
With nothing but a faded memory

12th June 2002

Monday, October 17, 2011

Rebellious Youth

I won't listen to my parents anymore
Because I have found a brand new teaching
I will heed to the Sex Pistols' preachings
I've dared to open the forbidden door
Blame for this goes to a society
A society locked me in a cage
And then it watched me kick and scream in rage
Thus it is them I defy with great glee
I will keep my room as neat as a pin
I will go to church on every Sunday
I will disdain cars and walk on my way
My stereo lets out a classical din

A rebel has emerged out of the mass
If you don't like it you can kiss my ass

25-27th December 2001

Friday, October 14, 2011


Don’t you know you owe me you little prick?
You should know me. Or did you forget that?
Am I just nothing to you? A mere pratt?
I came to you yet you gave me the flick
Are you laughing up there in La La Land?
Yeah? You know, you shouldn’t laugh at this clown
Because I am coming to bring you down
I swear that you will die by my own hand
Your ignorance has made me declare war
I demand a rematch. You. Me. Today
I know my weapons. I will make you pay
For a wound which remains forever sore

Today you will die. Vengeance is indeed sweet
For the times you left me out on the street

14th November 2001

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Always Be Mine / An Ode to Venus

Come live with me and I’ll protect you
I’ll come and rescue you from any harm
And I’ll shield you within my loving arms
I’ll pick you up when you’re feeling blue
Goddess of Love - You deserve the name
Why does your love life blow up in your face?
Why is there a dark side behind your grace?
It’s hard to believe that you hide such pain
But it’s true - Such emptiness you hide
And it scars your wondrous beauty too
But I’ll take you, and kiss and love you
I’ll take you to light and crush your dark side

I am here still, even if all is gone
Let me rescue you so we can be one

2-3rd November 2001

Monday, October 10, 2011

The World Gave me Apples and I made Cider

My rocket-powered squirrel just blew up
My Ferrari is radioactive
My pet lemming has found a will to live
Clouds are floating out of my coffee cup
The Cheshire Cat is chanting out a curse
My pet lamb has dynamite up it’s arse
My private Idaho is now a farce
And the situation just couldn’t get worse
The ugly ducking is drunk and on crack
My bunny has mixamotosis
My kitten vomits up mess most grosses
The dog is painting my bedroom door black

And tomorrow, me and my motley crew
Will flush the Queen of Hearts head down the loo

1st June 2001

Friday, October 7, 2011

Two lovers are fucking up above me

Two lovers are fucking up above me
In their apartment they roll as one
As they commit their dirty deed with glee
And they won’t stop until the night is done
As they express their love with much passion
Lose virginity or risk going stale
Meanwhile their sounds come downward crashin’
Any attempt to blot out their sounds fail
The sounds of their love burn me to my soul
They burn, I burn in emotional fire
A terrible emptiness takes it’s toll
The sounds won’t end. The sounds will never tire

I listen and the truth really does hurt
They make love, I have my face rubbed in dirt.

28th May 2001

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Vengeance is a dish best served cold (The Hillbilly song)

I went to the countryside with my wife
I took her to the greatest farm around
All the while I had the time of my life
She, however, just wouldn’t settle down.
She cheated on me. An act most unkind
I don’t know why but she had her reasons
Next thing I knew, I must’ve lost my mind
I planned to execute her for treason
So I dragged her screaming into the barn
And I rammed my shotgun to her forehead
Lie-tainted screams echoed across the farm
But they didn’t stop me shooting the wench dead

Now I’m in jail - which is just as well
Nothing can stop me from going to hell

22th April 2001

Monday, October 3, 2011

Broken Circle

Once upon a time foundations were set
To build what will endure the test of time
But now this wonder’s demise has been met
It’s long gone now - covered in moss and grime
Back in it’s heyday, this place was a home
Everyone was happy, day after day
A haven for a wanderer alone
But the sun has forever gone away
The black souls have flown - Gone to pastures new
Leaving a lone wolf howling at the moon
The pure minds search for their destiny too
As an eclipse illuminates the gloom

The circle is broken, all have parted
And now the wolf is back where he started.

8th March 2001

Friday, September 30, 2011

I ride the Highway with Jesus

I ride this freeway with a friend in need
On the highway of life he will guide me
Jesus will lead me to my destiny
Yes, because he is a true friend indeed
Yes, I will do what he tells me to do
But you bet it’s going to be worth it!
Nasty comments don’t bother me one bit
As Jesus will life me up when I’m blue
I don’t care what infidels have to say
Because I’m happy with this way of life
I know Jesus will protect me from strife
With his help, I will see another day

He tells me everything will be alright
He’ll pat my back as I walk in the light

14th January 2001

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


He is dark - nothing but a tortured soul
He is a solitaire - Quiet and grim
he has few friends, many want to kill him
Yet despite his deathly aura he ain’t lull
He is filled with only pain and sorrow
As he can’t love but hate, he can’t go back
What’s more he can’t defend only attack
He can’t run but go onto tomorrow
And yet he weeps for his predicament
For those who’ve come to know him and his curse
But fighting from chaos does he emerge
Only atrocities does he commit

He doesn’t take any crap from anyone
But can’t recall when he last saw the sun

14th January 2001

Monday, September 26, 2011


I really love you but you curse my face
And while I’m am alone all the time
You left sanity for another place
Yet we are both ignored for social crime
I’m still true even though you reject me
But I only stand and watch as you fall
But as for my loyalty you still can’t see
I wonder: Why did you put up the wall?
You say no one gives a stuff about you
Have you forgotten about me? I ask
Open your eyes I’ll take you somewhere new
Free yourself and find me. Make that your task

I am alone. You are sanity less
But only I can take us out of this mess

13th January 2001

Friday, September 23, 2011


What is left me is only a shell
Everything inside me has been burned out
There’s nothing I can do but scream and shout
In my very own self-constructed hell
I want to burn everything in my sight
To oblivion I will make folk go
And as I make this world an inferno
Flames of my pain and strength will light the night
But this would be different if you’d stayed
Yet my tears and my pain can’t bring you back
And now happiness is what my heart lacks
Without you my violence will not be swayed

If you stay around, my violence will turn
Until then, all will continue to burn

13th January 2001

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Question of Ignorance Prevailing

So why, in this world, is there ignorance?
Good ideas are gone in favour of crap
Rejection of what’s correct makes no sense
And enlightenment is ignored by saps
Old ideas are forgotten for the new
Even though these new ideas are bollocks
And geniuses are forgotten too
For young brain dead people with the right looks
People only hear what they want to hear
Towards enlightenment they all go blind
They switch off and continue drinking beer
So much for the Millennium of the mind

This modern age is quickly sour
So much for the phrase: Knowledge is power

13th January 2001

Monday, September 19, 2011

Traitor’s die

So have you worked out why I’m still your friend?
To my friends I am loyal until dead
Now is that something you can comprehend?
Can you get that message through your thick head?
I went and put my faith and trust in you
But you went and blew them both straight to hell
And my never fading loyalty too
You took that and tore to pieces as well
I would’ve done anything for you, you know
But I doubt if you would’ve given a toss
We still talk but this lie I’m living grows
You ignore this true friend. You’re at a loss

Understanding I sought after in you
I care for you but you don’t have a clue

5-7th January 2001

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Generation is totally fucked up

So can anyone tell me why dobbers die?
And why being self-centred is the way?
Why have guilt and compassion been blown sky high?
Why has sympathy never seen the day?
Why is it that Christians are frowned upon?
Why does one, at all costs, maintain their pride?
Why do folk live by rules being broken?
Why from the inevitable one must hide?
And tell me, why does betrayal run riot?
Why are old ideas always forgotten?
When given facts why does one refuse it?
Why are all modern ears filled with cotton?

Now folk only hear what they want to hear
This generation’s fucked - That’s all that’s clear

3rd January 2001

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pandora's Box

He sure knows how to turn the ladies on
He’s a poet, he buy’s flowers, the works!
You better grab him quick before he’s gone
He is a big catch in a sea of jerks
He knows how to make a great atmosphere
He is intimate and has emotions
He’s honest - he knows what they want to hear
He isn’t afraid to make a notion.
Again and Again he proves he does care
He makes folk want to draw another breath
He listens while other men wouldn’t dare
He is extremely loyal to the death

Yet despite all this he still has to moan
Why is he single? Why is he alone?

3rd January 2001

Monday, September 12, 2011


Wherever he may walk, everything burns
A bringer of death, pain, hatred and strife
He is doomed to loneliness in this life
As for onlookers, away their heads turn
he walks into town with purposeful stride
Voices of abuse ring out like a bell
And as he plots their casting into hell
They make permanent scars upon his pride
But he never wanted it in this way
He was himself but not given a chance
Thus he is dislikeable at first glance
But his thirst for vengeance won’t go away

They isolate and abuse him each day
But he will destroy them and make them pay

13th December 2000

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Be Strong

That flag on that pole is waving half mast
Commemorating all those who have died
In history a tragedy was cast
On the day the millions broke down and cried
On the day the entire world stopped turning
On the day so many lives had been claimed
On the day the candles began burning
On the day life will never be the same
On the day the two great monoliths fell
On the day plans for World War III were laid
On the day Earth received a piece of Hell
On the day the millions knelt down and prayed.

Yet I know our hearts will burn forever
Yet I know we will be strong together

13th September 2001

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Drinking Binge

Step into my room, step into my world
Come one! Come all! Don’t be shy! Come on in!
Give me your sweet lips and give me my sin
Let’s make the inevitable chaos unfurl
Caught with my pants down with a stupid grin
As I run my fingers through your soft hair
If I wake up dead I really don’t care
You are a prize I’m determined to win
You just don’t have a clue, don’t you, you ditz
So wear that smile but not a loaded gun
Come right on in and we will have some fun
And all the while our brains fall to bits

Now we both have one way tickets to hell
But who cares when everything is swell?

11th December 2000

Monday, September 5, 2011

Challenge to a Rival

I could write a better story then you!
I’m talking to you Mister John Marsden!
I must read your books? Who says I have to?
Just wait ‘til you step into my garden!
I must read your Tomorrow/War books, right?
Who says I have to read the whole saga?
I keep the entire saga from my sight!
I will not be sucked in like a loser!
I can and I will top anything you do!
My work can keep people awake at night!
Indeed, I can write better stuff then you!
My work can too keep people up in fright!

I won’t listen to the words of a sap
And I know that my work can top your crap

10th December 2000

Friday, September 2, 2011


From here on, I leaving you right now
I want out of the crap you put me through
There’s little left for me to stay or do
So get out of my life you stupid cow
When the whole thing was over I felt used
I cared about you but you didn’t for me
You just stood around while I got abused
Anything you say now is just too late
You filled me up with corruption and lies
And you went to betray me in my eyes
It’s ironic you embraced what you hate

And may I add that I’m not your doll
I don’t want to see you again you moll

10th December 2000

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Nothing will ever again be the same
None but I know of the pain inside
And from the rest of the world I will hide
As I can’t bring myself to face the shame
I scream my lungs out but without a sound
While I sit in an empty room friendless
And gone is my last chance of happiness
All is lost, everything has turned around
One careless whisper, one simple blunder
They won’t listen, no matter what I do
They persecuted me for being true
Leaving my world lost and torn asunder

I have been filled with deception and lies
There’s little left to do except close my eyes

10th December 2000

Monday, August 29, 2011

Message to an Ex-Girlfriend

So it’s come to this. This is where it ends
Your actions were wrong to leave me this way
Thus, farcical is your idea to be friends
You know, I would’ve done anything so you’d stay
We are alike in what we think and do
But as you don’t listen I talk to walls
My affection was me saying I loved you
I believe you don’t care about me at all
You told me you’ve had a terrible past
I would’ve made things better. Couldn’t you see
I did everything I could to make it last
But sadly you didn’t do the same for me

Despite all my affection you have flown
Yet I don’t deserve to be so alone

10th November 2000

Friday, August 26, 2011

One Man can start an Avalanche with the Casting of a Pepple

She came into my life when I was blue
And she gave me happiness and sunshine
After waiting for so long this was a sign
My heart simply melted when she said “I love you”
Suddenly walls fell and I saw the sun
With her there was so much to do and see
And those crap love songs now made sense to me
Make no mistake, she was the number one
She understood whatever I would say
In my paintings and poetry she’d appear
I felt warm and comfort when she was near
She made me happy every singe day

Yes, things were going great in this romance
Then along the twat in poofter pants

9th November 2000

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Match Made in Heaven

You are a hentai - perverted and proud
I'm reserved in this mortal coil
You are young hyperactive and quite loud
But I am quiet and yet quite loyal
You're in High School and four years my younger
But I am an adult and in Uni
A river divides us. A Heart's hunger
For a grown man and a female looney
You are a dominatrix I am half mad
I keep throwing life lines - You remain true
You seem to be carefree but I am sad
A match made in heaven? I think so too

We are mismatched but we stay together
And so, for that, I will love you forever

2nd September 2000

Monday, August 22, 2011


Remember when you said you loved me?
Do you remember what we did that night?
Do you remember when we felt so free?
Remember when we held each other so tight?
Ah yes. I do recall it very well
We walked under a starry starry night
And then into each other’s arms we fell
And then we kissed in the pale moonlight
On that night we said we loved each other
We were both seduced by the other’s charms
And we had found love for one another
As we captured the other in our arms

I do recall our date with destiny
There we forged a future for you and me

2nd September 2000

Friday, August 19, 2011


I love you and no one else besides you
All your personality and your charm
If you take my hand I will get you through
I will make sure you do not come to harm
How I would love to kiss and touch your face
I do not care what other people say
O, the thought of us in intimate embrace
I wish you were here with me today
I don’t care if you’re mean. Just come with me
Just a day with you is eternal bliss
If you really love me then you will see
I love you too - Said with a lover’s kiss

I really so passionately love you
I will never break your heart - That is true

First version: 17th October 1998
This edition: 30th July 2000

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I think I'm in love

It has begun: the world has stopped turning
Many a cold shiver runs down my spine
The fires in my heart have begun burning
All has turned upside down. It is a sign
A tsunami of sweat runs from my hands
Everything crumbles. The bubble has been burst
Images disintegrate into sands
So I hang on and prepare for the worst
Boredom has consumed me in this darkness
But I don’t give a rat’s arse about you
It just happened this afternoon, this mess
And it would appear my feelings are true

I think I’m in love. That must be it
But boy is it making me fell like shit

This edition: 30th July 2000

Monday, August 15, 2011


So many doors but only one offers hope
Many doors are opened but not the one true
Never-ending journey. One I can’t cope
I open up a door and then you stepped through
At long last my eternal search is done
My angel is here. I shed happy tears
And I will shine on for she is my sun
I ask her: “Where have you been all these years?”
Sweet music and magic come when we kiss
And the way we hold each other’s hand tight
And when I am with her it is pure bliss
And her beauty shines through in the moonlight

I found you after many a broken heart
I so love you and may we never part

20th July 2000

Friday, August 12, 2011

Gave up gave in

No I do not seek a soul mate anymore
That’s it. It’s over. It’s come to an end
Go. Leave me. Go away and close that door
On me and my efforts to find a friend
You know they say all the world’s a stage
But the season has run out for this clown
He leaves despite all the sorrow and rage
The audience yells abuse. He stands down
Yet all is not well that doesn’t end well
But still I am glad I gave up. I am smart
As before, I’ll go on and leave this hell
No way am I in a bond that falls apart

Girlfriends are not the way out of this mess
I’ll just sit here and rot in this darkness

18th June 2000

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Last Chance

Shall we speak today or speak tomorrow?
Will we ever see each other again?
No. Never. Quite possible not.
But then…..
Last chance to speak to each other?
Yes. So….
Your reactions to me aren’t like the rest
My madness you seem to find amusing
Hasn’t happened before -
You don’t regard me as some kind of pest
My chances to speak with you failed
Did I tell you all I had to say?
No but then tomorrow is another day
Or is it?
Will I remain ever blue

So will we speak again in time?
Maybe. And then everything will be fine

28th May 2000

Friday, August 5, 2011

Bad Parents

Both the parents left to go to dinner.
They were gone for some hours. That’s what they did.
However they left with minds of sinners.
They wanted to get away from their kid!!
His screaming drove them mad so they both fled.
Silence they were after. And they got it.
Pleased with peace and quiet and no sore heads.
They forgot all about the little shit.
Meanwhile the kid never left his room.
Scary nightmares made him cower in fright.
Totally scared he sensed impending doom.
With no parents he won’t get through the night

The parents went away to have some fun
And the frightened kid waited for the sun-

?? September 1999

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I hate my writer's class

This is a writer's class. All is not well
Sure I get to say what I want to say
This hole is the equivalent of hell
"We are going to write poetry today"
Says a teacher who demands better stuff
We go to work and then read read what we've done
A scary guy says life is very tough
A half dead girl talks about being gone
A total nut talks about destruction
Some stinker spends his time bagging losers
An irritable speaks his observations
A giggling bitch talks of hunky boozers
A blonde reads her work which leaves mine for dead
As feelings of failure invade my head

?? September 1999

Monday, August 1, 2011


Two houses both alike in dignity
In fair Hobart College we lay our scene
Through ancient grudge break to new mutiny
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean
My friends will not betray me or kill me
That's what I believe. Therefore I have none
Wimps attack the lone sheep. That's plain to see
I was bombarded - equal to a tonne
Bullets fly rapidly. Into my heart
Evil grinning faces. They laugh. They lear
Looking forward to a brand new start?
No chance! I'm hated becuase I'm in fear

No ending here of this story of woe
Sadder than Juliet and Romeo

?? September 1999

Friday, July 29, 2011

Garden of Evil

I went into bush the other day
Cruel gang bashings onto me made no sense
Fleeing criticism I got away
But there’s no sanctuary. Just silence
It is deathly silent. There’s a bird call
But it’s one voice among the silent guards
These guards are the trees - standing straight and tall
And spades are drawn in this life’s pack of cards
Music plays at the bush’s other end
I walk on a path that will take me there
As I walk the music distorts and bends
And a girl comes with a face full of fear

I walk on. She made the same mistake too
On never ending path I continue

22nd April 1999

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No Words Necessary

Her impact on me was quite humoungous
She cast her spell on me. I was awe-struck
This Aphroditan walks among us
As she walks I still can’t believe my luck
To me she is a promise of a new day
I love her - That said with no denial
Have I ever said the wrong thing? No way!
I love no other and that is final
This goddess is a creature of beauty
Music is her voice. Honey is her hair
She herself - That is all there is to see
Every quality about her is fair

And my love is still here. It is not gone
And thanks to her I’m still kicking on

1st-2nd March 1999

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Angel

I am the angel who comes from above
I am here to bring light to the dark day
I am here to spread the whole world with love
But who said it was going to be that way?
You regard me as a symbol of hope
You all run to me. the young and old
My position you all envelop
I stare back at you - pitiless and cold
People rejoice in front of my stern face
Preacher says: “Evil paths we have taken
“But even though we have fallen from grace
“This sign shows we will not be forsaken!”

Sadly I am a messenger of doom
To say that the end is coming
Very soon

29th December 1998

Friday, July 22, 2011

Apocalyptic Future

This is how I envision your future
Nut then nothing is not quite what it seems
Gone is civilization that is pure
Nowadays people only live on dreams
You can achieve your dream in here. Or not
But whatever you choose you are insane
Some don't. They hang onto what they've got
Deluded civilization remains
Some people have dreams full of corruption
Sadly they are the ones that achieve their goal
Terror and violence. They spread disruption
So dominating, They have no soul

People lose sanity. So none can cope
Thus they have delusions. One being hope

27th December 1998

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Spirit of Christmas

Christmas 1998 - Been and gone
And the millennium is approaching
But as Christ's birthday is still worth preaching
A concern hits me like bricks by the tonne

The birth of Jesus is a time of joy
The preacher says but no one is listening
There is this little boy who is grinning
He's getting a rocket powered toy

Now people only care about presents
I saw someone give a gift to a friend
The friend never got the gift in the end
The giver kept it - that's greedy nonsense

Shocked? Well that is life. And it sounds quite suss
The spirit of Christmas is lost to us

27th December 1998

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Simpsons

Some nights ago I turned on my TV
The Simpsons are on! I sigh with relief
But later I realize with disbelief
That this is not a cartoon that I see
Some people say seeing is believing
But what I see is life as we know it
Hardly amused, I feel compelled to spit
I cannot believe what I am seeing
The message presented here is negative
No one wins. Geniuses are ignored
Brats and punks are continually explored
I change channel for something more positive

With laughter of the damned this crap unfurled
I realise that this crap is the real world

27th December 1998

Friday, July 15, 2011

Nobody Likes a Hero

Nobody likes anything heroic
Heroes suck - that is a philosophy
Everyone I know follows it - but me
That piece of propaganda makes me sick
Those where my final thoughts before I died
See my friends and I were on a jet plane
But jet control some nuts wanted to gain
Yes terrorists came along on the ride
Our lives and the jet plane. That they will fix
Nobody moved - under the philosophy
As the baddies fled - no movement - not me
As the plane went down - still no heroics

Body temperature is below zero
Becuase no one wants to be a hero

15th December 1998

Monday, July 11, 2011

Childhood Fantasy destroyed by Reality

Then the teachers talking sent me to sleep
My brain switched off and into submission….

The Princess has been stolen by a creep
So I set off on a rescue mission
Bravely, I left my village and refuge
On my quest I leave civilisation
I see many sights - monoliths so huge
I march through places of desolation
To the creeps tower - A sight most uplifting
She will love me because I’m good hearted…..

But sadly, the teacher caught me shifting
And I got sent back to where I started

My mission failed at the tower’s gate
And so my princess will still have to wait

15th December 1998

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Biggest Poetic Confession

Anuptaphobics fear being single
That is my position. That’s what I’ve found
As I see happy couples all around
A deep down depression starts to tingle
I plead for empathy and sympathy
No one answers. Proof I am forsaken
Any girl I like is already taken
And my one girlfriend is apathy
I want someone to help me get through life
Emotional problems I have a lot
But I see that coupled guys have not
And I am left alone - destroyed by strife

I want someone for love but not for lust
Thus my kingdom is crumbling into dust

??/?? 1999


Muscles, long hair, unshaven - male folly
"Go for this guys girls" - says words that are false
Says words from a magazine called Dolly
And I look on with a look of repulse
This crap tells fools who to see, where to go
The gullible, naive, those with no sense
"Check out Leonardo di Caprio!"
This crap shows no signs of intelligence
Nothing matters more than a brain dead hunk
Rubbish invades the mind of another sap
I still wonder who buys this load of junk
As propagandists deliver crap
Your way of public speaking is a farce
So stick your propaganda up your arse

12th December 1998

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Temptress

She tore me apart and left me for dead
Seduction and lies go into her cake
My destruction is the plans she will bake
Unaware of the hurting in my head
I gave her all my love - what was a lot
Deluded I went on my hands and knee
All the while she cruelly laughs with glee
She gave me no love. Now it's what I got
Word of my folly was spread far and wide
Everyone went up to me and laughed
Her plan of doom did work well enough
And she drove me to attempt suicide

In her I put all my faith. Thus I fall
I'm down in the ground while she stands tall

3rd December 1998

Monday, July 4, 2011

Wish who were here?

Oh how I wish that she was here today
I need sympathy. She will understand
She gets me through taking me by the hand
All the things left unsaid. To her I will say
She wanted me but all was not sublime
I was not interested - Sad but true
But when I saw the light. She left me too
Still I return to claim what is mine
But now I am alone by methods foul
Boredom that eats me need retribution
I need to escape this institution
I do not care what's said. I need her now
I need to escape the jail that is this
I want her here now. It is her I miss

30th November 1998

Friday, July 1, 2011

E is not for Empathy

Everyone else happily in a circle sat
Chatting away as happily as can be
They sat there talking about this and that
And every one was happy - All but me
I have turned my back on the happy bunch
Sobbing a stream of a thousand tears
Unaware everyone else eats their lunch
Unaware I need help from my fears
Everyone laughs and jokes - Each having fun
While I crawl up into an unseen ball
Waiting for the help that will never come
Isolated and neglected, I fall

All I ever wanted was empathy
But in their group they will never see me

3rd December 1998

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Love and other doomed journeys

I was walking but then I found that track
No! They said but I wanted happiness
I left contentment and entered darkness
I begin my journey. But all in pitch black.
It’s dark in here. A flower will not bloom
Love and joy I seek. But I will not find
I stagger in the dark that makes me blind
I go on my doomed journey in the gloom
Frustration and anger grow in my head
And as images of my friends fade
I scream for help but receive no aid
I continue to stagger - left for dead.

Today I still stagger on my journey
Hear my story. Come here and walk with me

30th November 1998

Monday, June 27, 2011

I am at Fault

And so I am left out there in the cold
Slowly dying with no one to see
That I have something to say
Hear me
And this story will continue to unfold
They all saw me commit a shocking crime
They all turned their backs away from me
And showered the victim with sympathy
But I learned from this incident in time
As they all left me alone in the dark
I finally see the wrong of my crime
But it’s too late. I am there in the grime
And so, on this cold stone, I make my mark.

I should not complain when I am alone
For it’s nobody’s fault but my own

15th November 1998

Friday, June 24, 2011


I have a problem but I have a cure
Jumping off a ten story city block
Laugh to my laugh, I plummet like a rock
Singing the Eighteen Twelve Overture
They left me did they? I will show them all!
Lonely. Isolation was their action
Now I gleefully face oblivion
I laugh sadistically as I fall
But the end must come to my happy ride
Becuase I now see the concrete footpath
And then I let out my final last laugh
My head cracks open. Blood runs like a tide
On impact I die in a bloody mess
And on my face a grin most hideous

15th November 1998

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


That's it! Everything has all led to this
Everyone else is inside unaware
About the loner. But they don't care
That loser was someone they would not miss

Outside in the cold I stare at the sky
In the cold and dark night I search for hope
A symbol, anything, so I can cope
Nothing, no justice I let out a cry

They will not listen to me. It's not fair
Since no one cared for my cry for help
I throw myself to my death with a yelp
And everyone else is still unaware

All I ever wanted was empathy
Even in my death there's no sympathy

15th November 1998

A Life

And I have led an interesting life
But it is one that is far from happy
Three mental breakdowns added to strife
The first one was from a lost love most crappy

Mental breakdown no. two was from my peers
Miserable from those smaller than me
The third one was enveloped with my fears
Sadness caused from my ex. She did not see

And yeah I have attempted suicide
Twice. Both times due to people being mean
On both occasions I went home and cried
You will not believe the chaos I have seen

I have been so sad. My life is a mess
Seems I will never find true happiness

15th December 1998

Monday, June 20, 2011

Harsh Judgement

Circle of people, numbered thirty nine
They are in communion. They are legion
In friendliness I enter their region
Then things went wrong. I wasn’t given time
I stayed but they did not want me there
In fruitless attempts to be their friend
They got annoyed. They wanted me to end
And so they left me. They just did not care.
They were one. Anyone outside was a freak
When things went wrong they helped one another
It was nobody else. Only just each other
Their isolation made me lost and weak

Outsiders are not welcome in this zone
They all walked away and left me alone

15th November 1998

Friday, June 17, 2011

Agonised Screaming

I am alone. I have been left to die
They do not want me. They just want me dead.
Looking upward, I raise my battered head.
And then I scream an agonised cry
The demons of my troubled past won’t die
They still return. To hurt, destroy and haunt.
I see them and their methods of taunt
And then I scream an agonised cry
Love is a good reason for me to die
Everywhere there are couples around
And there are so many girls who turn me down
And then I scream an agonised cry

I scream for lost love, memories and rage
And so begins the traffic of this stage

15th November 1998

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Shoot the Messenger

Maybe you don’t know me but I know you
You only cared for you. No other
Its only you. Not even your mother
Regardless I fell in love. And that is true
I said: “I’ll be yours if you be mine”
But you found out and said to me: “No way”
But my love for you goes on to this day
Again I go too far time after time
Leave me. You be alone. That is the cost
You bitch. No one likes you. Surprise, surprise.
But I love you and I don’t tell lies
However I’m deluded. I am lost

I am your candle in the cold dark night
I am nothing to you but I am your light

3rd October 1998

Monday, June 13, 2011

Whale Song

Come and see, see beneath the blue green sea
Drown yourself until you hear a song
Open your eyes and there you will see
Dolphins and whales more than 10 metres long
These beautiful great beasts in sounds they sing
High pitched squeaks along with deep low sounds
They do what they like. No one here is king
You will hear nothing like this on dry ground
The songs are sometimes sad. For this we grieve
We sit and see the performance unfurl
But we are needed at home. We must leave
We must leave them in silence and their world

So come with me now and take that one chance
And go to where the whales sing and dance

22nd August 1998

Friday, June 10, 2011

Morning After

Morning After (1998)

It was all over when the morning came
It started innocently enough
I went to a mate’s party to find fame
But it was a pissup
“Get drunk! Be tough!”
Onlookers chant
“Scul! Scul! Chug! Chug! Down!”
Finally I finished on the floor
Madness before me, I grin facing down
Then a girl came hips swaying like a whore
She really wanted a good hard
We went to the bedroom
Cheers from the lads
Protruding breasts, ready for sucking
Then she starting biting my nads

I sat on the bed as morning came in
I sat right there contemplating
my sin

2nd July 1998

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

When Stuart met Phillippa

I met her in a most unlikely place
In a world of madness
Across the room into her pretty face
In it I saw none but serenity
She was something
had a reputation
I am with someone who is really cool
I made myself into her eye vision
But I ended up being a fool
She was beautiful
She did cleaning work
I showed a lot of appreciation
In her presence I annoyingly lurk
I end up screwing up conversation

She was an amazing person in the end
Here begins the tale of my new friend

21st June 1998