Thursday, December 27, 2001

Rebellious Youth

I won't listen to my parents anymore
Because I have found a brand new teaching
I will heed to the Sex Pistols' preachings
I've dared to open the forbidden door
Blame for this goes to a society
A society locked me in a cage
And then it watched me kick and scream in rage
Thus it is them I defy with great glee
I will keep my room as neat as a pin
I will go to church on every Sunday
I will disdain cars and walk on my way
My stereo lets out a classical din

A rebel has emerged out of the mass
If you don't like it you can kiss my ass

25-27th December 2001

Wednesday, November 14, 2001


Don’t you know you owe me you little prick?
You should know me. Or did you forget that?
Am I just nothing to you? A mere pratt?
I came to you yet you gave me the flick
Are you laughing up there in La La Land?
Yeah? You know, you shouldn’t laugh at this clown
Because I am coming to bring you down
I swear that you will die by my own hand
Your ignorance has made me declare war
I demand a rematch. You. Me. Today
I know my weapons. I will make you pay
For a wound which remains forever sore

Today you will die. Vengeance is indeed sweet
For the times you left me out on the street

14th November 2001

Saturday, November 3, 2001

Always Be Mine / An Ode to Venus

Come live with me and I’ll protect you
I’ll come and rescue you from any harm
And I’ll shield you within my loving arms
I’ll pick you up when you’re feeling blue
Goddess of Love - You deserve the name
Why does your love life blow up in your face?
Why is there a dark side behind your grace?
It’s hard to believe that you hide such pain
But it’s true - Such emptiness you hide
And it scars your wondrous beauty too
But I’ll take you, and kiss and love you
I’ll take you to light and crush your dark side

I am here still, even if all is gone
Let me rescue you so we can be one

2-3rd November 2001

Thursday, September 13, 2001

Be Strong

That flag on that pole is waving half mast
Commemorating all those who have died
In history a tragedy was cast
On the day the millions broke down and cried
On the day the entire world stopped turning
On the day so many lives had been claimed
On the day the candles began burning
On the day life will never be the same
On the day the two great monoliths fell
On the day plans for World War III were laid
On the day Earth received a piece of Hell
On the day the millions knelt down and prayed.

Yet I know our hearts will burn forever
Yet I know we will be strong together

13th September 2001

Friday, June 1, 2001

The World Gave me Apples and I made Cider

My rocket-powered squirrel just blew up
My Ferrari is radioactive
My pet lemming has found a will to live
Clouds are floating out of my coffee cup
The Cheshire Cat is chanting out a curse
My pet lamb has dynamite up it’s arse
My private Idaho is now a farce
And the situation just couldn’t get worse
The ugly ducking is drunk and on crack
My bunny has mixamotosis
My kitten vomits up mess most grosses
The dog is painting my bedroom door black

And tomorrow, me and my motley crew
Will flush the Queen of Hearts head down the loo

1st June 2001

Monday, May 28, 2001

Two lovers are fucking up above me

Two lovers are fucking up above me
In their apartment they roll as one
As they commit their dirty deed with glee
And they won’t stop until the night is done
As they express their love with much passion
Lose virginity or risk going stale
Meanwhile their sounds come downward crashin’
Any attempt to blot out their sounds fail
The sounds of their love burn me to my soul
They burn, I burn in emotional fire
A terrible emptiness takes it’s toll
The sounds won’t end. The sounds will never tire

I listen and the truth really does hurt
They make love, I have my face rubbed in dirt.

28th May 2001

Sunday, April 22, 2001

Vengeance is a dish best served cold (The Hillbilly song)

I went to the countryside with my wife
I took her to the greatest farm around
All the while I had the time of my life
She, however, just wouldn’t settle down.
She cheated on me. An act most unkind
I don’t know why but she had her reasons
Next thing I knew, I must’ve lost my mind
I planned to execute her for treason
So I dragged her screaming into the barn
And I rammed my shotgun to her forehead
Lie-tainted screams echoed across the farm
But they didn’t stop me shooting the wench dead

Now I’m in jail - which is just as well
Nothing can stop me from going to hell

22th April 2001

Thursday, March 8, 2001

Broken Circle

Once upon a time foundations were set
To build what will endure the test of time
But now this wonder’s demise has been met
It’s long gone now - covered in moss and grime
Back in it’s heyday, this place was a home
Everyone was happy, day after day
A haven for a wanderer alone
But the sun has forever gone away
The black souls have flown - Gone to pastures new
Leaving a lone wolf howling at the moon
The pure minds search for their destiny too
As an eclipse illuminates the gloom

The circle is broken, all have parted
And now the wolf is back where he started.

8th March 2001

Sunday, January 14, 2001


He is dark - nothing but a tortured soul
He is a solitaire - Quiet and grim
he has few friends, many want to kill him
Yet despite his deathly aura he ain’t lull
He is filled with only pain and sorrow
As he can’t love but hate, he can’t go back
What’s more he can’t defend only attack
He can’t run but go onto tomorrow
And yet he weeps for his predicament
For those who’ve come to know him and his curse
But fighting from chaos does he emerge
Only atrocities does he commit

He doesn’t take any crap from anyone
But can’t recall when he last saw the sun

14th January 2001

I ride the Highway with Jesus

I ride this freeway with a friend in need
On the highway of life he will guide me
Jesus will lead me to my destiny
Yes, because he is a true friend indeed
Yes, I will do what he tells me to do
But you bet it’s going to be worth it!
Nasty comments don’t bother me one bit
As Jesus will life me up when I’m blue
I don’t care what infidels have to say
Because I’m happy with this way of life
I know Jesus will protect me from strife
With his help, I will see another day

He tells me everything will be alright
He’ll pat my back as I walk in the light

14th January 2001

Saturday, January 13, 2001

The Question of Ignorance Prevailing

So why, in this world, is there ignorance?
Good ideas are gone in favour of crap
Rejection of what’s correct makes no sense
And enlightenment is ignored by saps
Old ideas are forgotten for the new
Even though these new ideas are bollocks
And geniuses are forgotten too
For young brain dead people with the right looks
People only hear what they want to hear
Towards enlightenment they all go blind
They switch off and continue drinking beer
So much for the Millennium of the mind

This modern age is quickly sour
So much for the phrase: Knowledge is power

13th January 2001


What is left me is only a shell
Everything inside me has been burned out
There’s nothing I can do but scream and shout
In my very own self-constructed hell
I want to burn everything in my sight
To oblivion I will make folk go
And as I make this world an inferno
Flames of my pain and strength will light the night
But this would be different if you’d stayed
Yet my tears and my pain can’t bring you back
And now happiness is what my heart lacks
Without you my violence will not be swayed

If you stay around, my violence will turn
Until then, all will continue to burn

13th January 2001


I really love you but you curse my face
And while I’m am alone all the time
You left sanity for another place
Yet we are both ignored for social crime
I’m still true even though you reject me
But I only stand and watch as you fall
But as for my loyalty you still can’t see
I wonder: Why did you put up the wall?
You say no one gives a stuff about you
Have you forgotten about me? I ask
Open your eyes I’ll take you somewhere new
Free yourself and find me. Make that your task

I am alone. You are sanity less
But only I can take us out of this mess

13th January 2001

Sunday, January 7, 2001

Traitor’s die

So have you worked out why I’m still your friend?
To my friends I am loyal until dead
Now is that something you can comprehend?
Can you get that message through your thick head?
I went and put my faith and trust in you
But you went and blew them both straight to hell
And my never fading loyalty too
You took that and tore to pieces as well
I would’ve done anything for you, you know
But I doubt if you would’ve given a toss
We still talk but this lie I’m living grows
You ignore this true friend. You’re at a loss

Understanding I sought after in you
I care for you but you don’t have a clue

5-7th January 2001

Wednesday, January 3, 2001

My Generation is totally fucked up

So can anyone tell me why dobbers die?
And why being self-centred is the way?
Why have guilt and compassion been blown sky high?
Why has sympathy never seen the day?
Why is it that Christians are frowned upon?
Why does one, at all costs, maintain their pride?
Why do folk live by rules being broken?
Why from the inevitable one must hide?
And tell me, why does betrayal run riot?
Why are old ideas always forgotten?
When given facts why does one refuse it?
Why are all modern ears filled with cotton?

Now folk only hear what they want to hear
This generation’s fucked - That’s all that’s clear

3rd January 2001

Pandora's Box

He sure knows how to turn the ladies on
He’s a poet, he buy’s flowers, the works!
You better grab him quick before he’s gone
He is a big catch in a sea of jerks
He knows how to make a great atmosphere
He is intimate and has emotions
He’s honest - he knows what they want to hear
He isn’t afraid to make a notion.
Again and Again he proves he does care
He makes folk want to draw another breath
He listens while other men wouldn’t dare
He is extremely loyal to the death

Yet despite all this he still has to moan
Why is he single? Why is he alone?

3rd January 2001