Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Breaking down boundaries of exploration
Seeing as many things as possible
Meeting a giant number of people
Influencing lives towards succession
From many cultures, picking up so much
Discovering new methods and thinking
Going where no one else will be going
Always finding something new to see, touch
Encountering evil in many forms
Just for the underdog, prepared to fight
Even when winning can’t always be right
So someone small can see many more dawns

There’s no one else doing this type of thing
Of defying laws of adventuring

25th July 2006

Space Mission

Abandon the cradle that is the Earth
For there’s nothing down there that’s left to see
Ignore the tireless pull of gravity
To fulfil a dream wanted since mankind’s birth
Move forward. Don’t look back. Aim for the stars
Cast a strong line into the big black sea
With an alliance with technology
And a goal to spread out ever so far
Move with the spirit of a pioneer
Into an ocean that’s sought out this sign
A realm that’s been waiting for a long time
For mankind’s steps into this wide frontier

It is time to walk with feet well off the ground
Once Man was lost. Now he is truly found

25th July 2006

Saturday, July 8, 2006

How am I Going to Do This?

I’ve got to get up and take on the world
Day after day after day in this life
With no instructions on how to survive
And without any support to be held
No one can see me, I must walk alone
Following rules no one else will reveal
With no clue how to look, act, speak or feel
I fail where I must succeed on my own
No one’s willing to lend a helping hand
There’s no indication where I go wrong
I need help but it doesn’t come along
So I’m left crawling whilst breathing in sand

Lead me to the rock higher than myself
Because I just can’t do it by myself

8th July 2006


I believe I can get through this life
That I can try my hand at anything
I believe I can face it all and win
And I won’t be brought down by any strife
I believe I can wield such strength rightly
I’ll use it for furthering my own goals
I believe I can make my own damn roles
And let no one else shape my destiny
I believe I can crush adversity
I will allow nothing to stand in my way
I believe in anything that I say
Simply because it’s right only for me

With these words I build a confidence true
So no, I will not shut up just for you

8th July 2006

Walk the Road of Damnation

Another step taken upon this road
Journeying further to oblivion
Can’t ignore the doom of destination
Carrying a forever growing load
Following plans that were doomed from day one
Cursed with a destiny never wanted
By past demons eternally haunted
With atrocious mounting by the tonne
Couldn’t change if I tried – All just too hard
Prospects of redemption are just for fools
Once a bastard? Hell, always a bastard
Always forward. Not backwards. It’s the rule

No use escaping damnation you know
So I march to the one place I can go

8th July 2006

Friday, July 7, 2006

The Succubus

She came from the depths of hell just for me
She brought along her taste for black leather
With a bust oversized and a voice sexy
And a want for me, for her own, forever
I made no complaints I simply agreed
But only upon the terms that I say
So, with her all too willing to concede
I forced her into liking anime
I showed her how to love high football scores
I taught her to play Soul Calibur 3
I introduced her to my Labradors
I made her listen to my poetry

And in the end she took my soul from me
With no protest, it was all too easy

7th July 2006