Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We need each other

And if the mountains should crumble and fall
And if everything is drowned in the sea
I won’t be afraid. I won’t cry at all
Because I have good friends who stand by me
I don’t know where I’m heading nor what I’ve seen
But I do know that we need each other
We can’t turn ‘round and head back where we’ve been
Friendship is indeed a powerful tool
It will keep me going through this lifetime
Friends don’t think I’m a jerk. They think I’m cool
And in bleaker times, they are my lifeline

But all my friends have all packed up and gone
And I’m acting on a lie to keep on

21st March 2003

Monday, November 28, 2011

Electrical Storm

Last night the skies screamed, rumbled and roared
The darkness lit up as the lightening flashed
The soaked earth shook as the thunderbolts crashed.
And the world heard the wrath of the sky’s lord
The heavens brought forth their fury and rage
An unstoppable ire that burned and fumed
A ghastly war that exploded and boomed
Herding all living things into a cage
I lay on my bed with a loaded gun
The noise outside distancing me from sleep
Whilst I drowned on paranoia so deep
I waited for the coming of the sun

And as through the night the sky’s temper flared
The next day, war on Iraq was declared.

20th March 2003

Friday, November 25, 2011

Please stay with me

Please stay with me, I need you here today
Without you I don’t know what I’ll be
Can’t you see I want you to stay with me?
I don’t want this pure joy to go away
With you I can conquer any demon, any fear
Without you I wouldn’t have been stronger
So I ask you to stay a little longer
I don’t want you to go - I need you here
There is still so much that I have to say
Despite everyone telling me I’m wrong
But a house is not a home with you gone
So I’m not wanting the end of this day

A wide ocean divides us forever
But one day we will be together

20th March 2003

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sad, Beautiful Little Goth Girl

I am so glad that you are my best friend
Because with you I can do anything
I’ll play on this guitar so you can sing
With you my happiness will never end
Some brain dead fools think you’re cracked in the head
But if there’s a problem, it’s all theirs
You are different, you live without cares
And that’s why I make your love my soft bed
Who needs those pricks when we have each other?
Such is our love’s strength, I know it’ll stand tall
Even when angels come and heaven falls
With you I don’t need no other lover

Let me in your kingdom. I’ll be your king
When night falls, I bring you my love undying

20th March 2003

Monday, November 21, 2011

Saturday morning

The sun comes slowly from behind the hills
Heralding a bright new day beginning
Everywhere the sun rays reach, touch and fill
But sadly no nobody is noticing
They’re still asleep, sheets pulled over their heads
Or they’re playing on a sports field somewhere
Or they’re outside, tending their flower beds
Or they’re shopping, spending without a care
And while cartoons are on my TV
Sharing the space with music videos
I play my computer games happily
Because the house is quiet. No one knows

Such a morning is grasped in different ways
It only comes once every seven days

17th March 2003

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday evening

With roaring engines and screeching of tyres
We go in a car, heading for the town
We’ll find a bar, our sorrows we will drown
While inside excitement burns in fires
We drive through town, bright neon lights flash past
Loud guitars pump on the car stereo
Eating chocolate we go with the flow
The night is so young so lets make it last
Five days of hard work has come to an end
So lets grasp freedom with our own two hands
No more assignments, no more boss’ demands
To our stomachs lots of beer we will send

So lets go drink and be merry. Why wait?
The week is over so lets celebrate

17th March 2003

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kill all hippies

See that nob kicking that hippy over there?
He says hippies are scum who deserve it
And all the concepts of peace are shit
But I can tell you why we should all care
I know the nob. I see him all the time
He ignores his parents and he skips school
He thinks defying rules make him real cool
But he’s a tosser in these eyes of mine
You see, the hippy came way before him
He defied many of the rules of old
He didn’t listen when of war he was told
Those days are gone but still his message sings

The nob is kicking his predecessor
A fact he is blind to - nor does he care

3rd March 2003

Monday, November 14, 2011

When I grow old

The day is coming when I will grow old
My brain will fail and my skin will age
I’ll be trapped in a never-changing cage
And my flesh and blood begin to go cold
But I have tools for when old age arrives
A Why follow rules? ideal I’ll apply
If it works for kids, It’ll work for I
With this perspective, I will survive
And there’s the betrayal of my offspring
Who went and shunned me away behind walls
They will see and be embarrassed, appalled.
And there’s no revenge more satisfying

Old age may grasp me in a grip so tight
But I’m not going down without a fight!

3rd March 2003

Friday, November 11, 2011

I’m stuck on an island and I can’t get off it

Lost long in time for forty thousand years
A land of deserts and eternal sun
Tucked away in a corner, seen by none
This ancient land is full of dreams and fears
But does the rest of the world even care?
Shunned by a ruler we will never see
Perceived by the rest as a mockery
Progress is going completely nowhere
Isolated, forgotten by the world
I will walk this land on an empty road
The river of time continues to flow
Into dust ancestral blood has been hurled

I will keep on walking day after day
Until rivers of time sweep me away

20th February 2003

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Countdown to war

Paranoia keeps the red blood flowing
So that destructive bombs can keep falling
Money keeps the corporations growing
To the people our leaders aren’t listening
Greed makes sure arms keep manufacturing
Towards a blind goal all keep marching
While the news media keep on lying
And thus nobody knows who we’re fighting
So much money goes into weapon making
Whilst many poor children are left starving
Minority groups we keep on blaming
Whilst welfare is left with zero funding

All concepts of peace are out the window
Closer to Hell we continue to go

20th February 2003

Monday, November 7, 2011

Walking the Beat

I will devote myself to helping others
I know I am putting my life on line
For I understand there’ll come a time
When I will provide protective covers
I will represent order - tough but fair
Become an icon of security
I will keep the peace in this big city
When a cry for help comes, I will be there
Kids will see me and they will loudly cheer
Because I am brave. I am kind and strong
I will help out those kids when things go wrong
With me nearby they have nothing to fear

I will keep the peace and accept no thanks
This is my choice, I want to join the ranks

17th February 2003

Friday, November 4, 2011

Did you hear about this one?

It was on this day that the dream did die
And five years of hard work came to an end
I have now stepped off-stage and said goodbye
My future is now in my hands to bend
But, with this goodbye, should I give a toss?
They won’t notice my leaving. They don’t care
Constantly I found myself at a loss
The house wasn’t a home at all, back there
But in spite of it all, it did change me
I went in a child and came out a man
I saw things when before I couldn’t see
I won respect and friends - whom by me stand

The show has moved on - this time without me
And I have nothing - but the memory

16th February 2003

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rainy Sunday

The rain comes downward onto my window
Keeping me restricted on the inside
With no place to be and no where to go
I have all the time in the world to bide
The house is quiet ‘cos we’re all snoozing
The streets are empty and there’s naught to do
The radio’s on for anyone listening
And there’s not a soul around to talk to
But this serenity is but a dream
A fragile dream that will end tomorrow
And when the coming night has gone and been
It is back to our real lives we will go

Today I relax in serenity
But sadly this is but temporary

16th February 2003