Sunday, May 26, 2019

Social Justice Warrior

When the war is over what will you do?
When there are no more targets left to hide?
Will your thirst for a fight be satisfied?
Will you accept your soldiers leaving you?
Will you come up with a victory plan?
Will you stop thinking who can take the blame?
Will you be relieved that you can’t complain?
Will you live a life devoid of a clan?
Will you have the means for beating boredom?
Will you have a scheme for being happy?
Will you go forge a new identity?
Will you refrain from making a problem?

Of course not: The anger will never cease
For what’s a warrior in times of peace?

26 May 2019


I’ve been useless, a monster, a crim too

But not today: I won’t be some sad wreck

For the first time I grasp some self-respect

I know that this is something I can do

Driven by a strength that came from nowhere

I will shatter the walls that surround me

I’ll be the storm that makes the demons flee

I will no longer cave into despair

I will embrace myself because I can

I will rise above years of depression

I will move far away from regression

I’ll stand up and declare I’m worth a damn

But wait: You heard? No one likes straight white men

In that case, what was the fucking point then?

26th May 2019